In times of massive change and increasing uncertainty in the workplace, your career and success depend on your

Resilience Skills

Resilience Skills will help you succeed in a frantic business world, thrive on challenges and in uncertainty.

Our proven system will allow you to turn each setback into an opportunity for growth and success while simultaneously increasing your wellbeing and building your confidence.

What are the benefits of Resilience Skills ?

Increasing mental resilience can provide numerous advantages for leaders, executives and entrepreneurs, helping them navigate the challenges of running a business and achieving long-term success.

Here are some key benefits of developing your Resilience Skills:

Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills:

Resilience enables you to approach problems and setbacks with a more positive and proactive mindset. You become better at finding creative solutions to challenges, which is crucial for the survival and growth of any business.

Stress Management:

Building Resilience Skills helps to cope with stress more effectively. Stress is an inevitable part of business, and being able to handle it well prevents burnout and improves overall well-being.

Improved Leadership Skills:

Resilient people are better equipped to lead their teams during tough times. They can inspire confidence and rally their team members to overcome challenges together.

Risk Management:

Leaders need to take calculated risks to grow their businesses. With mental resilience, they can assess risks more objectively and make informed decisions that have the potential for higher rewards.

Better Decision Making:

With higher mental resilience, you can think more clearly under pressure and make well-informed decisions. You are less likely to be overwhelmed by emotions and can weigh the pros and cons effectively.

Optimism and Positivity:

With a resilient mindset, business people tend to maintain a positive outlook even in difficult times. This optimism can inspire and motivate their team, partners, and customers, creating a more positive work environment.

Enhanced Emotional Intelligence:

Building Resilience Skills often goes hand in hand with developing emotional intelligence. This allows you to understand and manage your emotions and the emotions of others effectively.

Long-Term Vision:

Resilient leaders can maintain their focus on long-term goals despite short-term setbacks. They avoid getting bogged down by immediate challenges and keep their eyes on the bigger picture.

Increased Adaptability:

Business People who cultivate a resilient mindset are more adaptable to change whether it's market trends, technological advancements, or shifts in consumer preferences. They can quickly pivot their strategies and adjust to new circumstances.

Greater Persistence:

When faced with obstacles, resilient leaders are more likely to persevere and stay committed to their goals. They understand that setbacks are temporary and view failures as learning opportunities.

Building Stronger Relationships:

Resilient leaders can maintain healthier relationships with stakeholders, such as investors, employees, customers, and business partners, even during challenging situations.

Entrepreneurial Innovation:

Resilience encourages to think outside the box and explore innovative ideas. You are more willing to experiment and learn from failures, which can lead to groundbreaking solutions.

In summary, Resilience Skills are a valuable career and business asset as they help you to handle adversity, make better decisions, maintain a positive mindset, and ultimately increase your chances of building a successful and sustainable business and career.

How does the Resilience Skills online course work?

  • On demand video course

  • 8 lessons + 2 bonuses

  • Learning Journals with exercises, self-reflexion and habit builders for each lesson to help you integrate the knowledge into your daily life

  • Facebook Support Group for questions and discussions

  • Personal experience from Juliane & Michel on how they have applied the principles to their own career.

  • Here are some benefits of our courses:

    • Flexibility: an accessible training experience 24/7.

    • Self-paced and hands-on

    • Based on the latest scientific research

    • Benefit from the founders' personal experience, Juliane and Michel.

    • Each learning point can be easily and immediately integrated into your business day and will lead towards more success.

Is the “Resilience Skills Program” right for me?

  • Do you finally want to bring your career and your business to another level, get more clients and income while preserving your wellbeing?  

  • Even though you are highly ambitious, the constant stress, anxiety and worry make you want to abandon your dream career?!

  • Do you fear that your career will ruin your mental and physical health because of the constant stress, anxiety and insomnia ?

  • You dream of becoming hugely successful but are so burned out that you fear that you won’t make it through the next challenge?

We received the “Learning & Development” Award in 2022 for our Resilience Skills program that has helped business professionals like you in many countries worldwide!

Who Teaches the Resilience Skills?

Juliane and Michel have over a decade of experience in helping their executive clients worldwide to navigate the challenges that threaten their wellbeing and their performance in today’s fast-paced work environment.

They have developed custom training programs that tackle specifically all the challenges that leaders, executives and entrepreneurs face daily.

Their programs will give you all the tools and strategies you need to increase your wellbeing and your resilience for sustainable performance at work & career success.

They have designed and recorded each session personally and have integrated all their personal experience (including failures, lessons learned, setbacks along the way and what really worked in the end) and will answer your questions in our Facebook Support Group. You will benefit from their personal 10+ years entrepreneurial and professional experience and the thousands of clients they have helped.

How much does the Resilience Skills training cost?


You will get instant access to the 8 lessons + 2 bonus lessons (value 1.299€)

Here are some benefits of our courses:

  • Flexibility: an accessible training experience 24/7.

  • Self-paced and hands-on

  • Based on the latest scientific research

  • Benefit from the founders' personal experience, Juliane and Michel.

  • Each learning point can be easily and immediately integrated into your business day and will lead towards more success.

If you watch the free webinar, you will get a promotion code that will allow you to buy this course for 797€. We want to make sure that the course is the right fit for you, so watch the free webinar before buying.

 14 days Money back guarantee: if this course doesn’t provide you any value, we will give you your money back, no questions asked

What other participants have to say about Resilience Skills

  • I just wanted to thank you both for the resilience training. It was very focused and practical and already made a big difference in my day-to-day life. Big thanks and all the best

    Arnaud G.

    Postdoctoral researcher

  • Hi Juliane, I really enjoyed the session on dealing with the Mind Monsters. I was able to share my learning with someone I'm currently mentoring as she suffers from "Mind reading" and "Catastrophizing". Perfect timing! Thank you


    Manager FinTech

  • Hi Juliane, this is Shruthi from India working as an Engineering Manager. Thanks for the wonderful sessions! I'd love to learn more about you and the work you do.


    Engineering Manager

  • Hi Juliane, I'm enjoying the course, very succinct and pertinent.


    Manager Business Performance

  • Thank you so much! I really enjoyed this! Simple, clear and very actionable. Thank you for keeping this so well organised and easy to use. We are lucky to have you!


    Global Chair

  • Hi Juliane, the sessions are amazing! I really appreciate the tips. Looking forward to learning more and thank you so much.

