Optimize your Success

Invest in your Resilience

Welcome to Wellbeing for Leaders, a space dedicated to the well-being of leaders, high-achievers, executives & entrepreneurs!

Leaders face numerous challenges when it comes to balancing their wellbeing and their performance.

Long work hours, intense workloads, and high-pressure environments can take a toll on both physical and mental health.

Additionally, the constant need to meet deadlines, exceed expectations, and stay competitive can lead to stress, burnout, and a lack of work-life balance.

Do you suffer from one of the following symptoms?

  • Stress and anxiety

  • Depression and burnout

  • Isolation and loneliness

  • Self-doubt and imposter syndrome

  • Managing uncertainty

  • Fear of failure

  • Decision fatigue

  • Lack of sleep and insomnia

Here’s a little secret from the business world:

Many of the successful managers, leaders and executives have suffered from stress and anxiety at work throughout their career.

But they have invested in scientifically proven strategies, tools and simple lifestyle changes that have helped them turn their weaknesses into their biggest asset at work and skyrocket their careers.

If you’re tired, stressed and anxious all the time, chances are that you can’t contribute in the way that you’d like to.

But stress, limiting beliefs and anxiety don’t have to be the reason that you are miserable at work, that your performance is diminishing and that your career progress is staling.

At the moment, you have no idea what is even possible for you when you feel like your best self.

Hi, We’re Juliane & Michel.

Entrepreneurs ourselves and specialized in Wellbeing & Performance at Work, we’ve over a decade of experience in helping our executive clients worldwide to navigate the challenges that threaten their wellbeing and their performance in today’s fast-paced work environment.

We have developed custom training programs that tackle specifically all the challenges that leaders, executives and entrepreneurs face daily.

Our programs will give you all the tools and strategies you need to increase your wellbeing and your resilience for sustainable performance at work & career success.

Programs Based on Science and Real Business Experience

Our training programs are backed by scientific research and proven by numerous studies. We conceived them to fit perfectly with your busy lifestyle without adding even more to your plate. Our programs target the challenges encountered by leaders, executives and entrepreneurs in all business sectors such as finance, IT, media, law, consulting, etc.

Yes, in order for our programs to deliver their real value, you will have to do exercises but they will help you be more efficient.

Here are some benefits of our courses:

  • Flexibility: an accessible training experience 24/7.

  • Self-paced and hands-on

  • Based on the latest scientific research

  • Benefit from the founders' personal experience, Juliane and Michel.

  • Each learning point can be easily and immediately integrated into your business day and will lead towards more success.

1. Resilience Skills

In this course, you will learn the foundational research in resilience, with a particular focus on applying it to address the specific problems faced by leaders, entrepreneurs and high-achievers. The course covers protective factors such as optimism, the power of positive emotions, and techniques to protect your mental energy.

Several types of resilience interventions are explored including:

  • Cognitive strategies;

  • Strategies to manage anxiety and increase positive emotions such as gratitude;

  • And a critical relationship enhancement skill;

  • Throughout the course, you will apply resilience skills in your personal and professional lives to evaluate their influence.

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